The Hypocrisy Is Stifling® Continues

A. Founding Laborers®

(1) Our “Founding Laborers®” literally built much of this country. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said in his “Bad Check—I Have A Dream—Let Freedom Ring—Free At Last” Speech that “instead of honoring this sacred obligation [of the promise of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness], America has given the Negro people a bad check, a check which has come back marked ‘insufficient funds’.”

(2) Today some have talked about Black men not working and “generations of men not even thinking about working or learning the value and the culture of work.” Does he know that the “Founding Laborers®”, generations of Black men and women, literally built much of this country, including the Capitol and the White House? Does he know that Black men and women have always provided and continue to provide a very significant part of the productive labor force in this country?   Among other educational things he should do, he should see the movie and read the book Twelve Years A Slave. He will then see the reality of who has and who has not been working in this country.

The Hypocrisy Is Stifling®

B. Fair Treatment For All

(1) Because some millionaires cheat on their income taxes, are all millionaires cheaters? Because some corporations get subsidies they do not deserve, do all corporations not deserve subsidies?

(2) Why do some supporters of corporate welfare criticize and paint with a broad brush poor people, including working-poor people, who get food stamps and other public assistance?

The Hypocrisy Is Stifling®


C. Health Care For All

(1) United States Congressmen and Senators get excellent health care insurance?

(2) Why are some of the them opposed to all Americans having the opportunity to get excellent health care insurance.

The Hypocrisy Is Stifling®


 D. Getting Paid While Not Doing A Job

(1) Some Congressmen and Senators are not doing their Constitutional jobs. In effect, they are getting paid even though they are not doing their jobs.

(2) Why are some of them opposed to unemployed Americans getting the unemployment insurance provided by law?

The Hypocrisy Is Stifling®


E. Attorney General Eric Holder

(1) Attorney General Eric Holder has diligently, vigorously, and conscientiously worked to enforce the law in a fair and impartial manner.

(2) Yet Congress, which has done practically nothing for the American people in the last few years, took the lawless action of holding him in contempt without any actual legitimate legal basis for doing so.

The Hypocrisy Is Stifling®